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用語 : Terms

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野鳥 : Wild Birds

婚姻色 (こんいんしょく)

裸出部 (らしゅつぶ)
「裸出部」とは、羽毛のない部分 (嘴、目先、足など) をいいます。

Bare Part
"Bare part" is the parts (bills, lores, legs, foot, etc.) without the feathers.

Nuptial Coloration
"Nuptial coloration" is the colours of the changed *bare parts on the breeding seasons.

気象 : Meteorology & Weather

ケルヴィン-ヘルムホルツ不安定 (ケルヴィンヘルムホルツふあんてい) (Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability)

Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability
"Kelvin-Helmholtz instability" is the instability which is caused with the difference of velocity on the boundary of liquid layers or gaseous layers. The waves which are occurred with the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability are the Kelvin-Helmholtz waves. There is the occasion which the Kelvin-Helmholtz waves in the atmosphere are visualized by clouds.

橋梁 : Bridges

アーチ作用 (アーチさよう)

軸力 (じくりょく)

斜角 (しゃかく) / 斜橋 (しゃきょう) / 直橋 (ちょくきょう)
「斜角」とは、橋の軸線が支承線 (同じ端にある支承を結んだ線) となす角度の小さいほうをいいます。斜角が90゚未満の橋を「斜橋」といい、斜角が90゚の橋を「直橋」といいます。

組積造 (そせきぞう)


Arching Effect
"Arching effect" is the effect which external force and compressive *axial force balances.

Axial Force
"Axial force" is the force in the direction of the axial.

Masonry Construction
"Masonry construction" is the construction which piled stones or bricks etc.

Probably, "Nezirimanpo" is, generally, in the *skew bridges of arches with one particular *masonry construction, the inside of the arches which were grasped as tunnels. In order to make the construction have the *arching effect; because the materials of arches are laid with an angle against the springing lines; when you look up at the arches from the bottom, the materials which were piled look twisted.

Skew Angle / Skew Bridge / Right Bridge
"Skew angle" is the smaller angle which the axis of bridges constitutes with that bearing line (the line which is connected between the bearings of the same end). The bridges which that skew angle is below 90 degrees are "skew bridge". The bridges which that skew angle is 90 degrees are "right bridge".

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