末広 (すえひろ) 橋梁 :
Suehiro Bridge
千歳運河に、日本貨物鉄道 (JR貨物) の末広橋梁が架かっていました (34.95452, 136.63322) (2010年 秋)。
Suehiro Bridge of Japan Freight Railway (JR Freight) spanned the Titose Canal (34.95452, 136.63322) (
Autumn 2010).
Suehiro Bridge is composed of five spans; the bridge of the span of the center is a movable bridge of draw types. The movable bridge, and the bridges of both side of that are seemingly plate girders which are made of steel of through types; the bridges of both ends are seemingly plate girders which are made of steel of deck types.
The house of the left side is seemingly the operation house.
This is the movable bridge which was seen from the bank of the west side.
On a pier, the tower which draws up the bridge was built.
This is the movable bridge which was seen from the bank of the east side.
The tower is anchored on the abutment of the west side.
This is the bearing part as the fulcrum of the movable bridge.
This is the bearing part of the load side of the movable bridge.
Seemingly guides which pilot the bridge, and locking systems etc. were put on also.
可動橋の銘板によると、橋は昭和6年 (1931年) に山本工務所が製作したようです。
According to the maker's plate on the movable bridge, the bridge was made by Yamamoto Kômusyo in 1931.
Also at the upper side of the tower, there was seemingly a maker's plate.
The photograph is the bridge of the second span in the count from Yokkaichi Station side which is the starting point of the line.
Although this bridge is the bridge of the second span, the thing which put on the end of the west side of this bridge is seemingly the abutment of the west side.
The thing which the arrow points is seemingly the bridge of the first span.
It seems that this bridge spans over the abutment of the west side, and the drawing machinery of the movable bridge is set under this bridge.
The photograph is the bridge of the fourth span, and piers.
5番目の径間の橋と、東側の橋台 (右) です。
The photograph is the bridge of the fifth span, and the abutment of the east side (
The vertical stiffeners of the bridge of the fifth span were types of which both ends were bent to flange angles.
After an alarm went off and the movable bridge was gotten down, a diesel locomotive of the DD51-type of JR Freight which pull freight cars slowly went past the bridge.
Suehiro Bridge has been designated as an Important Cultural Properties by nation.
東高洲 (ひがしたかす) 橋 :
Higasitakasu Bridge
高洲運河に、東高洲橋が架かっていました (34.70498, 135.40948) (2010年 秋, 2011年 秋)。
Higasitakasu Bridge spanned the Takasu Canal (34.70498, 135.40948) (
Autumn 2010, Autumn 2011).
Higasitakasu Bridge is composed of two spans; the bridge of the span of the north-east side is a movable bridge of draw types. The each bridge of both spans is seemingly a girder bridge of deck types.
This is the bridge which was seen from the bank of the north-east side.
The thing which is such as a gate on the pier is the draw device; the house of the left side of that is seemingly the operation house.
Only when the set times and ships go through the bridge, the bridge is seemingly drawn up. When time approached a time which was signed on "Operation Timetable", two men which are seemingly the operators came to the bridge by bicycle. And operators stay in the operation house until the operation time passed, then they again ride on the bicycles and were going away.
This is the bridge which was seen from the bank of the south-west side.
At both ends of the bridge, there were gates such as things which were put at railroad crossings.
The abutment of the north-east side which was spanned the movable bridge was independent from the bank.
This is the span of the south-west side.
This is a bearing as the fulcrum of the movable bridge.
This is a bearing of the load side of the movable bridge. It may be with a buffer.
Seemingly a guide which pilots the bridge to the bearings was put on the side of the bearing.
This is a part as the effort of the movable bridge.
Those are bearings of the bridge which is spanned at the span of the south-west side. The left side of the photograph is a bearing of the pier side, and the right side is a bearing of an abutment side.
可動橋の銘板によると、可動橋は昭和41年 (1966年) に兵庫県が建造し、製作は横河橋梁製作所によるようです。東高洲橋は、一等橋として架けられたようです。
This is the maker's plate of the movable bridge.
According to the maker's plate of the movable bridge, the movable bridge was constructed by Hyôgo prefecture in 1966, and the bridge was made by Yokogawa Bridge Works. It seems that Higasitakasu Bridge has been constructed as first class.
This is the maker's plate of the bridge which is spanned at the span of the south-west side.
These are the newels of the north-east side of the bridge.
These are the newels of the south-west side of the bridge.
東皿池 (ひがしさらいけ) 拱梁 :
Higasisaraike Bridge
西日本旅客鉄道 (JR西日本) の東海道線で、東皿池拱梁が架かっていました (34.73727, 135.32075) (2010年 秋)。
Higasisaraike Bridge spanned in the Tokaido Line of West Japan Railway (JR West) (34.73727, 135.32075) (
Autumn 2010).
The upper side of the photograph is the south side, and the lower side is the north side.
Higasisaraike Bridge is composed of one span, and is a
*skew bridge to a left direction; it is seemingly a
On the inside of the arch, some kind of sheet of a brick pattern was pasted, but at the parts of the sheet which peeled, the seemingly askew piled bricks are looked. (The photograph was taken to the north side from the south side.)
At also the top of the arch, the bricks are seemingly askew arranged. (The photograph was taken to the south side from the north side.)
On the spandrel of the south side, the bridge name etc. were written.
乙津 (おとづ) 橋 :
Otozu Bridge
乙津川に、乙津橋が架かっていました (33.24099, 131.68062) (2010年 冬, 2011年 冬)。
Otozu Bridge spanned the Otozu River (33.24099, 131.68062) (
Winter 2010, Winter 2011).
Otozu Bridge is composed of seven spans; pony Pratt bowstring truss bridges which are made of steel of through types, were spanned at six spans; a girder bridge of deck types was spanned at one span.
Because the truss bridges are through types but without upper beams etc. at the truss bridges, there is openness also at the truss bridge spans.
At the truss bridges, pony types are probably the reason, vertical stiffeners were put on.
The vertical stiffeners were put on the outside of the seven vertical posts in which there are nine in each one side.
トラス橋の各銘板によると、西側 (左岸側) から4つは昭和26年 (1951年) に大分県が、東側 (右岸側) から2つは昭和29年 (1954年) に建設省が建造し、製作はすべて日本橋梁によるようです。
According to the each maker's plates of the truss bridges; the four truss bridges from the west side (
the left bank side) were constructed by Ôita prefecture in 1951, the two truss bridges from the east side (
the right bank side) were constructed by Ministry of Construction in 1954, and the all bridges were made by Japan Bridge.
The upper side of the photograph is a maker's plate which said "大分縣建造" (Construction of Ôita prefecture), and the lower side is a maker's plate which said "建設省建造" (Construction of Ministry of Construction).
It seems that Otozu Bridge has been constructed as second class.
大分県が建造したトラス橋の銘板は上弦材の上面 (上側矢印) にありましたが、建設省が建造したトラス橋の銘板は上弦材と下弦材が結合されている部分 (下側矢印) にありました。建設省が建造したものでは、一般的な銘板の取り付け位置にはリベットが並ぶために、べつの位置に取り付けられたのかもしれません。
Because the types and the composing of the steel materials may be different, there are the different parts which are the arrangement of the rivets, etc., between the truss bridges which were constructed by Ôita prefecture and the truss bridges which were constructed by Ministry of Construction. The upper side of the photograph is a thing which was constructed by Ôita prefecture, and the lower side is a thing which was constructed by Ministry of Construction.
There were the maker's plates of the truss bridges which were made by Ôita prefecture on the upper sides of the upper chord members (upper side arrow); but there were the maker's plates of the truss bridges which were made by Ministry of Construction on the parts where the upper chord member and the lower chord member were united (lower side arrow). In the truss bridges which were made by Ministry of Construction, it may be that because the rivets were arranged at the general positions where the maker's plates are put on, those were put on the other positions.
The upper side of the photograph is a truss bridge which was constructed by Ôita prefecture, and the lower side is a truss bridge which was constructed by Ministry of Construction.
There were the differences also at the splice plates.
写真の上側が固定支承で、下側 (手前) が可動支承 (ローラー支承) です。
These are the bearings of one truss bridge.
The upper side of the photograph is a fixed bearing; the lower side (this side) is an expansion bearing (roller bearings).
This is the back of the slab of one truss bridge, and one pier.
This is the girder bridge which was spanned at the end of the east side of the bridge.
ガーダー橋は昭和29年 (1954年) に建設省が建造し、製作は日本橋梁によるようです。
This is the maker's plate on the girder bridge.
It seems that the girder bridge was constructed by Ministry of Construction in 1954, and it was made by Japan Bridge.
These are the bearings of the girder bridge.
The left side of the photograph is seemingly an expansion bearing; the right side is seemingly a fixed bearing. The bearings seemingly are plane bearings.
This is the back of the slab of the girder bridge, and one abutment.
Because there are seemingly shear connectors, the girder bridge may be a composite girder bridge.
西側 (左岸側) の親柱です。
These are the newels of the west side (the left bank side) of the bridge.
東側 (右岸側) の親柱です。
乙津橋は、昭和30年 (1955年) 3月に完成したようです。
These are the newels of the east side (the right bank side) of the bridge.
According to data of Ôita prefecture, the reading of Otozu Bridge is seemingly "Otozu Hasi", but in one newel, it said "Ototu Hasi."
It seems that Otozu Bridge has been completed in March, 1955.
和田 (わだ) 旋回橋 :
Wada Revolving Bridge
兵庫運河に、西日本旅客鉄道 (JR西日本) の和田旋回橋が架かっていました (34.66025, 135.16712) (2010年 秋)。
和田旋回橋は2径間からなり、鋼製の上路式プレート・ガーダーが架けられていました。この橋は明治32年 (1899年) に開通し、以前は旋回式の可動橋だったようです。現在は、橋は橋台や橋脚に固定されて旋回しないようです。旋回のための機械装置もないようですが、橋脚の円周に沿ってレール状のものがありました。旋回のために使われていたものかもしれません。
Wada Revolving Bridge of West Japan Railway (JR West) spanned the Hyôgo Canal (34.66025, 135.16712) (
Autumn 2010).
Wada Revolving Bridge is composed of two spans; a plate girder which is made of steel of deck types was spanned. It seems that the bridge was opened in 1899; formerly, the bridge had been a movable bridge of revolving types. The now, the bridge was seemingly fixed to abutments and a pier, it cannot revolve. Also the rails on both ends of the bridge did not have a gap. The machinery for revolving does not seemingly exist; but there was a thing which is such as rails along the circle of the pier. It may be that the thing had been used to revolve.