日本製鉄 八幡製鉄所 くろがね線 (にっぽんせいてつ やわたせいてつしょ くろがねせん) :
Nippon Steel Yawata Works Kurogane Line
日本製鉄 (当時は新日鉄住金) 八幡製鉄所のくろがね線に、E.8502電気機関車が走っていました (2017年 秋)。(焦点距離35mm (35mm判), トリミングなし)
The E.8502 electric locomotive was running in the Kurogane line of Nippon Steel (The then Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal) Yawata Works (
Autumn 2017).
(35mm Focal Length (35mm Format), Uncropped)
後部補機は、D.704ディーゼル機関車でした。(焦点距離35mm (35mm判), トリミングなし)
The pusher engine was the D.704 diesel locomotive.
(35mm Focal Length (35mm Format), Uncropped)
こちらは、E.8501電気機関車です (2019年 冬)。(焦点距離50mm (35mm判), トリミングなし)
This is the E.8501 electric locomotive (
Winter 2019).
(50mm Focal Length (35mm Format), Uncropped)
この列車の後部補機は、D.705ディーゼル機関車でした。(焦点距離50mm (35mm判), トリミングなし)
The pusher engine of this train was the D.705 diesel locomotive.
(50mm Focal Length (35mm Format), Uncropped)
2017年当時は、D.705ディーゼル機関車の塗装は傷んでいました (2017年 秋)。(焦点距離35mm (35mm判), トリミングなし)
The then of 2017, the painting of the D.705 diesel locomotive had became rough (
Autumn 2017).
(35mm Focal Length (35mm Format), Uncropped)
相模鉄道 (さがみてつどう) :
Sagami Railway
相模鉄道のかしわ台車両センターに、ED11電気機関車が留置されていました (2018年 冬)。(焦点距離35mm (35mm判), トリミングなし)
The ED11 electric locomotive was stayed in Kashiwadai Syaryô Sentâ of Sagami Railway (
Winter 2018).
(35mm Focal Length (35mm Format), Uncropped)
(焦点距離35mm (35mm判), トリミングなし : 35mm Focal Length (35mm Format), Uncropped)
トフ400貨車も留置されていました。(焦点距離35mm (35mm判), トリミングなし)
The Tofu400 freight car was also stayed.
(35mm Focal Length (35mm Format), Uncropped)
(焦点距離35mm (35mm判), トリミングなし : 35mm Focal Length (35mm Format), Uncropped)
三岐鉄道 200形電車 (さんぎてつどう 200がたでんしゃ) :
Sangi Railway 200-type Electric Car
三岐鉄道の北勢線に、旧三重交通色に塗られた200形電車 (右3両) が走っていました (2018年 夏)。(焦点距離35mm (35mm判), トリミングなし)
200-type electric cars (right 3 cars) which were painted in Ex-Mie Kotsu colours were running on the Hokusei Line of Sangi Railway (
Summer 2018).
(35mm Focal Length (35mm Format), Uncropped)
(焦点距離35mm (35mm判), トリミングなし : 35mm Focal Length (35mm Format), Uncropped)
JR貨物 EH200形電気機関車 (JRかもつ EH200がたでんききかんしゃ) :
JR Freight EH200-type Electric Locomotive
東日本旅客鉄道 (JR東日本) の根岸線に、日本貨物鉄道 (JR貨物) のEH200形電気機関車の試作機である901号機が走っていました (2018年 冬)。
The no.901 which is the prototype of EH200-type electric locomotives of Japan Freight Railway (JR Freight) was running on the Negishi Line of East Japan Railway (JR East) (
Winter 2018).
近畿日本鉄道 吉野神宮駅 (きんきにっぽんてつどう よしのじんぐうえき) :
Kintetsu Railway Yoshinojingu Station
「シーナリィ・ガイド」(河田耕一著・昭和56年 4版・機芸出版社) という本に、「入換と小貨物線 近畿日本鉄道 吉野神宮駅」という記事があります。記事の初見から30年以上を経て、現地を訪ねました (2013年 冬)。
Sînaryi Gaido (
Scenery Guide) (By KAWATA Kôichi: Fourth edition 1981: KIGEI Publishing) carries the report of
Irekae-to-syôkamotusen Kinki-nippontetudô Yosinozingûeki (Switching and Short Freight Line, Kintetsu Railway Yoshinojingu Station). I had passed the time of over 30 years from I read the report for the first time, and went there (
Winter 2013).
In "スイッチバックの地点" (the spot of the switchback), some building was built at the trace of "駅から下ってきた線路" (the downward track from the station).
The tunnel "上を本線が通る" (
under the main line) remained.
"簡単な積荷台" (
the simple freight platfrom) at "貨物側線の奥" (
the end of the short freight line) had been disappeared. (I was allowed to go into the grounds and took this photograph.)
The vacant land with the curved paling was keeping the relic of "右へカーブして下る" (
the right curve downward) track.
At the recess of this lane, it seems that you was able to look "枕木を積んだ車止" (
the buffer stop which were made of stacked sleepers).
尾小屋鉄道 (おごやてつどう) :
Ogoya Tetudô
「ナローゲージ・モデリング」(昭和51年 初版・機芸出版社) という本に、「尾小屋鉄道」(阿部敏幸) という記事があります。記事の初見から30年以上を経て、現地を訪ねました (2016年 秋)。
Narôgêzi Moderingu (
Narrow Gauge Modeling) (First edition 1976: KIGEI Publishing) carries the report of
Ogoya Tetudô (
Ogoya Railway) (By ABE Tosiyuki). I had passed the time of over 30 years from I read the report for the first time, and went there (
Autumn 2016).
At "遊園地前停留所" (Park Stop), the platform etc. had been disappeared.
On the present also, "遊園地前‐花坂の静寂境" (
the quiet between Park Stop and Hanasaka Stop) was in quiet.
At "金野町" (
Kanenomati Stop), the platform remained.
(This place is which individuals seem to have the right.)
At "金平の構内" (
the precincts of Kanahira Station), nothing remained.
The far mountains are have been not changed also now.
草深い行き止まり駅 (くさぶかいいきどまりえき) :
Kusabukai Ikidomarieki
「シーナリィ・ガイド」(河田耕一著・昭和56年 4版・機芸出版社) という本に、「草深い行き止まり駅」という記事があります。記事の初見から30年以上を経て、現地を訪ねました (2016年 秋)。
Sînaryi Gaido (
Scenery Guide) (By KAWATA Kôichi: Fourth edition 1981: KIGEI Publishing) carries the report of
Kusabukai Ikidomarieki. I had passed the time of over 30 years from I read the report for the first time, and went there (
Autumn 2016).
"小さい貨物上屋" (the small freight shed) and "鉄製の水タンク" (the iron water tank) had been disappeared, the railroad switches which were to "機まわり線" (the run-round loop) and "貨物線" (the freight track) had been removed.
There were not "接触限界標" (
the clearance post) and "車輪止め" (
the scotch block) which have been not necessary.
"立木" (
the tree) has been disappeared, the houses have been changed which are "タバコ屋" (
the cigarette store) and "小さな店屋" (
the small store).
Nevertheless, I was able to imagine the day of the report.
There was the house which was drawn "亀山観光案内図" (
Kameyama Sightseeing Map) near the station.
平面交差 (名古屋鉄道・名古屋臨海鉄道) (へいめんこうさ なごやてつどう なごやりんかいてつどう) :
Flat Crossing (Nagoya Railroad & Nagoya Rinkai Railway)
名古屋鉄道築港線と名古屋臨海鉄道東築線の平面交差です (2017年 冬)。
This is the flat crossing of the Nagoya Railroad Chikkô Line and the Nagoya Rinkai Railway Tôtiku Line (
Winter 2017).
近鉄八王子線 (きんてつはちおうじせん) :
Kintetsu Hachiôji Line
川の左岸を、近鉄八王子線が通っていたようです (2017年 冬)。
(参照; 河田耕一, 2008: 「鉄道風景30題」116頁, 機芸出版社)
It seems that there was the Kintetsu Hachiôji Line on the left bank of the river (
Winter 2017).
(Ref; KAWATA Kôichi, 2008: Tetudô Hûkei 30-dai (P.116), KIGEI Publishing)
神岡鉱業所 猪谷出張所 (かみおかこうぎょうしょ いのたにしゅっちょうじょ) :
Kamioka Mining Inotani Branch
ここには「神岡鉱業所猪谷出張所」があったようです (2015年 夏)。
(参照; 河田耕一, 2008: 「鉄道風景30題」112頁, 機芸出版社)
It seems that there had been "神岡鉱業所猪谷出張所" (
Kamioka Mining Inotani Branch) in here (
Summer 2015).
(Ref; KAWATA Kôichi, 2008: Tetudô Hûkei 30-dai (P.112), KIGEI Publishing)